About us

At Babies Mojo, we are dedicated to providing parents in the United States with the essential resources and support they need for their parenting journey. With a focus on all things related to parenting and babies, we strive to be your go-to destination for expert advice, helpful tips, and high-quality products. Our team of experienced professionals is committed to ensuring that you have the best possible experience as you navigate the wonderful world of parenthood. Trust Babies Mojo to be your resource partner in this incredible journey.

As parents of a larger family, we bring a unique perspective to our business endeavors, drawing from our roles as parents of five beloved children and an angel baby who left their world too soon. With a deep understanding of the challenges and joys of parenthood, we have developed a profound empathy that drives us!

In addition to our own children, we are surrounded by a loving family, boasting an impressive 16 nieces and nephews. This extensive network of young lives has provided us with a wealth of diverse experiences and insights that shape our approach to both life and business.

Our passion for nurturing and supporting life extends beyond the immediate family. Her certification as a Doula has allowed her to play an integral role in numerous live births, offering unwavering care and guidance during the transformative journey of childbirth.

Through their personal triumphs and challenges, Lynette and her husband have cultivated a business ethos grounded in compassion, resilience, and an unshakable commitment to making a positive impact. Their collective experiences have not only shaped them as individuals but have also formed the foundation of their shared professional journey.